Week 7

Week 6

Finally! An upload!

WEEK um… 5

Week 4

New month, new plan. Promise you won’t judge me, okay? So I’ve decided (with some familial encouragement, i.e. mom) to reduce my posts to only once a week. That way I will be really choosing… Continue reading

Day 21

*embarrassed* I have already failed miserably at uploading my photos everyday. Here are today’s uploads, hopefully there will be uploads tomorrow… These photos were taken in and around Schönbrunn Palace, where I was… Continue reading

Day 20: August 23rd, 2012

I am so sorry! It’s been such a long time since my last upload! Here they are, the pictures for today…

Day 19: August 15th, 2012


Day 18: August 13th, 2012